…to have this much time pass.
Truly, 2016??? A LOT has happened. Most of it good, some crap. Thus is the circle of life without the serenade by Elton John.
I have been concentrating really hard on the studio side and not on my own “brand” side (I really hate that language, but I can’t think of a better way to put it, so bear with me).
The best news is, I’M GOING TO BE PUBLISHED IN A BOOK! I’m writing a chapter in a book that’s part of a series on self-care tools. My section will be breathing techniques using visualization.
I’m really excited about this.
I’m not so excited about COVID-19 and the impact it’s had on my studio. Of course, we were closed. We’re lucky we’re in Illinois (and there you go — how often have you heard a native Illinoisian say that?). Our governor took a firm stance, brooked no foolishness and we moved through the plan set out decades ago by the Illinois Department of Public Health. We’re now in Phase 4 and hoping mightily that we stay there for a while. That simply means that we, as a yoga studio, can open. With lots of restrictions, but we can open.
What I’m not jazzed about is the incredible selfishness and denial of science. I’d wish for better - I believe people can do better - but I’m currently discouraged.
In the studio, we must require that you:
Pre-register for class (payment when you walk in)
Bring your own props
Wear a mask into and out of the studio
Observe strict social distancing
We’ve done what we can do to make sure you’re safe; we’ve got “touchless everything” and almost 7 feet between students; thus, class sizes are limited to 11 students for now. Crikey - we’re not even accepting cash; pre-written checks or credit/debit only. (You knew cash was pretty filthy, right?)
So. Register for our classes. Watch for more info on the book! Watch this spot because I’m back!!!
PS: Yes, there’s TOTALLY a reason there’s a wooden spoon in that picture…